Heather Pizzo

About Dr. Heather aka The Baby Sleep Coach

I have to warn you, after you have a baby your life will never be the same as before, but it does not have to be miserable. From the start, you as a parent play a vital role in the development of your infant’s sleep patterns. Sleep problems in the first year of life are the most frequent complaints of parents to their pediatrician. During the first year of life, 20% to 30% of infants manifest disrupted sleep serious enough to cause parents to seek professional assistance. During the toddler period, the rates of disturbance increase. Approximately one child in three, up to four years of age, will continue to awaken during the night and require assistance by a parent to return to sleep. However, all children can be taught to be good sleepers. A coach by definition is one who trains someone in some aspect of his or her life. Essentially, you are your child’s coach. Just as in little league or football, you need to teach your child the skills needed to fall asleep on their own and stay asleep.

I’m Dr. Heather Pizzo, also known as the Baby Sleep Coach, and I have spent years researching, analyzing, and comparing sleep coaching methods. Since babies are not born with manuals and appear to be very complex beings, I have created a guide to help you easily maneuver your way through the maze we call parenthood and get your baby to sleep. I, too, was once a parent in your shoes. When my first child was born, I could have never imagined how sleep deprived as a new mother I would have been until it actually happened. My first son only liked to sleep for short periods of time (forty minutes or less). I was exhausted and could not even carry out my daily tasks. I often found myself in tears and doubting my ability as a mother. Life with a new baby was not how I envisioned. After much time spent surfing the internet, talking with other mothers, and reading a few books, my darling bundle of joy really became a bundle of joy. After much experimenting, I had found the perfect combination of techniques or so I thought… Then my second son was born and he was my worst nightmare! He would not sleep during the day unless I was holding him. And if I was holding him, he would only sleep for brief periods of time (thirty minutes or less). He was up many times throughout the night and would often not want to go back to sleep. He hated the swing, hated the bouncy seat, and hated the car!

It was then that I desperately began searching for a solution and came upon some age old wisdom that allowed me to develop The Baby Sleep Coach System. Within days, my second son began to sleep through the night for eleven to twelve hours straight. I was amazed at how my two children were so different in how I had to coach them to sleep. It was then that I decided to pursue my passion as an infant and child sleep coach and help other tired parents overcome or avoid the misery that goes along with not getting enough sleep. I am now an infant/child sleep specialist who has coached many tired parents on how to develop good sleep patterns in their children. I have a doctoral degree in psychology and years of experience working with children. Above all, I have succeeded in getting many children to go to bed happily, nap well during the day, and sleep through the night, every night. Starting tonight, I want to help you get your baby to sleep without having to spend excess time researching methods and without the wasted money on numerous sleep books and poorly trained sleep consultants.

We recevied your sleep coach system about two weeks ago and things are going so well for us. Since then he has been falling asleep on his own at six forty five with no crying. What a breakthrough for us! He is sleeping twelve hours straight now.

My husband and I just want to thank you so much for helping us. We are getting more sleep, our relationship is so much better with each other and with him. We were laughing the other night because after Josh went to bed we were able to watch a movie together…it was kind of like a date even though we were on our couch! I never realized before how having a child can negatively affect a marriage and I’m so thankful to have that couple time back.

~Kristin Lambert, mother to Josh

I thought my 18 month old son was going through the “terrible twos” early until I found The Baby Sleep Coach. After using her program, I realized that his lack of sleep was the real problem for his temper tantrums and bad behavior, not the terrible twos! He is now sleeping twelve hours straight at night and taking two hour naps during the day. And best of all I have my sweet baby back again. I could have never thought that sleep was so closely tied to his behavior. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

~Paula Sabatini, Mother to Jake

At the age of 11 weeks old, I am delighted to say that my triplets are sleeping twelve hours straight at night. They fall asleep on their own and are so happy when they awaken in the morning. I am so glad that I found The Baby Sleep Coach as early as I did. She provided me with simple tips and tricks that worked like magic to help my triplets develop good sleep habits from day one. I am grateful that I will not have to face sleep problems in the future. Thank you Baby Sleep Coach from a well rested mommy!

~Nicole Walsh, Mother to triplets, Rylee, Kelsey, & Cayden

Our daughter, who is ten months this week had stopped sleeping through the night at about eight months. My wife and I tried everything, music, cradling, swaddling, rocking, etc. She would wake at 11:30 p.m., 1:45 a.m., and 5 a.m. like clockwork every night. It usually would take about thirty to ninety minutes to get her back to sleep. We would bring her in bed and she was happy, but very restless. After implementing The Baby Sleep Coach System, she went to bed by herself and slept through the night on the first night! I just want to say thank you for helping us get back to a normal routine!”

~Dr. Anthony Longo, Father to Gianna

Natalie is 4 months old. She sleeps very well since implementing your plan. She now falls asleep on her own at bedtime, and sleeps 11 to 12 hours straight every night!

~Leslie Simpson. Mother to Natalie

Just wanted to send you a quick update. Things are really going very well. He is sleeping so much better. I can definitely tell a difference in his moods. Thanks for your  help. He is now sleeping through the night and later in the morning!

~Amy Scott, Mother to Vincent