Fall Back with Ease: How to Prepare Your Baby for Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time (DST) brings that bittersweet extra hour of sleep for most of us, but for parents with babies, it can be a challenge. The good news is that with some preparation and a gentle approach, you can help your little one adjust smoothly. In this article,...

Sleep Characteristics by Age

TThe first year of life is a time of major changes. When your baby is born, for the first few days all she seems to do is sleep. A newborn is usually awake for the first few hours after birth and then will often sleep for up to twenty-four hours after. She will most...

Why Do Babies Develop Sleep Problems?

Research shows that twenty to thirty percent of all infants and toddlers will have some difficulty sleeping. Infants often have sleep problems during the first year of life. These include irregular sleep patterns, trouble getting to sleep, and waking at night. Sleep...

Separation Anxiety and Sleep

Babies can show signs of separation anxiety as early as six or seven months, but it usually becomes most prominent between the ages of twelve to eighteen months. Your baby is at the age where he is beginning to realize he is his own person. As much as he wants to...

Sleep Temperature

 Keep your baby’s room temperature around sixty eight to seventy two degrees, unless you have a preterm infant or newborn weighing less than eight pounds; then you might want to increase the temperature by a few degrees. A sharp drop in body temperature induces sleep,...