As summer nears and day time light lengthens, many parents are faced with the dilemma of putting their children to bed while it is still light out. It can be hard for children to fall asleep and stay asleep when their room is too bright. 

What is one to do? Keep your children up longer to celebrate the summer coming and enjoy the longer daylight hours? NO! As much as that sounds appealing, remember you need to protect your child’s sleep schedule or your days will feel longer in a very bad way! 

How can one do this?

There are a few different ways to darken your baby’s room. One option is to use blackout curtains. Blackout curtains are made of a thick, heavy fabric that blocks out all light. (They can also help with keeping your baby’s room warm or cool as well.)  They’re available at most home stores as well as online retailers.

Another option is to use room darkening shades. Room darkening shades are made of a similar fabric to blackout curtains. However, be careful when purchasing and installing these as there can be gaps on the sides that allow light in and defeat the whole purpose of what you are trying to accomplish. You can also find room darkening shades at most home stores as well as online retailers. If you want, you can combine the two, room darkening shades with room darkening curtains for ultimate blackout.

If you don’t want to buy new curtains or shades, you can also try using a sheet, blanket, or dark garbage bags to cover the window. If you use garbage bags, be sure that they are out of your child’s reach due to the safety hazard. I often used these in a pinch when traveling. This will help to block out some of the light, but it won’t be as effective as blackout curtains or shades.

Once you’ve darkened your baby’s room, you’ll notice that they’re able to fall asleep and stay asleep more easily. This is because darkness helps to promote the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep.

Here are a few additional tips for creating a sleep-friendly environment for your baby:

  • Keep the room temperature cool. Babies sleep best in a room that’s between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Make sure the room is quiet. Noise can disrupt sleep, so try to keep the noise level in your baby’s room to a minimum. Use a white noise machine to drown out outside noise.
  • Create a bedtime routine. A consistent bedtime routine can help your baby to wind down and prepare for sleep. 
  • Begin dimming the lights of the room you are in with your baby an hour before bedtime if possible to signal to your baby’s brain that it is almost time to sleep.
  • Avoid screen time before bed. The light from screens can interfere with sleep, so try to avoid letting your child watch TV or use electronic devices in an hour before bed.

By following these tips, you can help your baby to get the sleep they need to grow and develop, as well as keep your sanity.