Keep your baby’s room temperature around sixty eight to seventy two degrees, unless you have a preterm infant or newborn weighing less than eight pounds; then you might want to increase the temperature by a few degrees. A sharp drop in body temperature induces sleep, which is often why a bath is recommended before bed.
Make sure you dress your baby appropriately for bed. As a general guide, dress and cover your infant in as much, or as little, clothing as you would put on yourself. Remember to accommodate for the blankets that you would use as well. Babies do not usually have the ability to keep blankets on until over the age of twenty four months. In addition, using blankets under the age of twelve months is a S.I.D.S. risk.
Babies who are overheated tend to be more restless as well. Usually a light sleeper and a onesie for warmer weather (in air condition) and a fleece sleeper and onesie for colder weather. You can feel your baby’s feet and neck to see if he’s cold.